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Prajjwal Datir

Developer + Freelancer, Speaker, Mentor, Entrepreneur, and Writer

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Design & Development of Thermal Printer device driver and software application

Developed a Thermal Printer device driver and software application for the Database Infotech Pvt. Ltd as a MOU project with College of Enginerring Pune.

Learning Experience Platform for Persistent Systems

Developed Learning Experience Platform for the Persistent Systems Limited. Worked on Flask, Spring-Boot with the team to Develop APIs for the Software and also Developed Scripts using JavaScript to enrich the data-set for Machine Learning Team.

WhatsApp Bot Using Baileys - Automation

Kaoi : a fully Object Oriented WhatsApp bot built with TypeScript and Baileys API

CO-convo-EP : MERN, ChatApp - WebApp Development

Chatting WebApp made for Colleges. It has exclusive features like TreeView, Group Filtering, Persistent Connection, Group Chat. Tech Stack : MERN,, MaterialUI

XV6 Scheduling - Contributed to Operating System

Implemented Scheduling Algorithms in XV6 Operating System developed by MIT. Implemented Shortest Job First Scheduling, First Come First Serve Scheduling, Lottery Scheduling Scheduling, and Multilevel Queue Scheduling. Tech Stack : C, Assembly, XV6

HTTP protocol implemented - Computer Netowrks & Python3

HTTP protocol implemented as per RFC in python3 & Bash. Features: GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, Cookies, Headers, Multiple clients at the same time, logging , handling file permissions, Server configuration config file with DocumentRoot, log file name, max simulateneous connections, way to stop and restart the server. Tech Stack : Python3, Shell Scripting, HTTP

Corona-Strike - Pygame- Python3

Made a Game using Python-Pygame, Implemented OOPS concepts and GUI using python3 and pygame module.

Hi there

I am Prajjwal, currently I live in Pune(India) working as a software developer at Persistent. My projects include Full Stack Applications, and System level scripts. Being comfortable with code allows me to rapidly learn and work with new technologies.

In my spare time I like to meet interesting people, play video games, and practice other non programming skills like cooking, writing, and finance, etc. I am always down for hearing about new projects, so feel free to drop me a DM on twitter.

Link from Zelda : Breath of the Wild